Home General The Use Of Feng Shui Principles In Classroom Furniture Design For Optimal Student Learning

The Use Of Feng Shui Principles In Classroom Furniture Design For Optimal Student Learning

by Clyde

The ancient Chinese philosophy of “ Feng Shui” emphasizes the importance of balancing the energies of any space to promote health, sustaining prosperity, and overall well-being.

Feng Shui is primarily associated with home or office designing, and we can still apply the principles of Feng Shui to design classroom furniture that promotes optimal student learning.

Here we will explore ways to use Feng Shui principles in classroom furniture design.

Introduction to Feng Shui Principles

The base of Feng Shui lies in the concept of qi, which refers to the energy flow in a space. According to Feng Shui, “qi” in a given area can directly affect our physical, mental, and much-needed emotional well-being.

The real motive for applying feng shui principles in any space is to create a harmonious environment that promotes the flow of positivity.

Feng Shui Principles in Classroom Furniture Design

School administration places an essential consideration on classroom furniture. Any selection of furniture can make or break an impact on the children. The right furniture can bring in more engagement from children, while the wrong table can bring distractions and discomfort.

We can utilize the feng shui principles in classroom furniture design to create an ultimate classroom that favors the positive flow of energy, increasing children’s learning and teaching outcomes.

Color and Material

Feng shui puts great importance on the use of color and material. When selecting classroom furniture, consider colors that promote a positive energy flow.

Incorporating natural elements like wood and bamboo promote a sense of calmness and promote relaxation.

Classroom colors that promote tranquility are blue and green. To increase energy and creativity, use red and orange as per feng shui principles.

Shape and Size

The flow of “qi” also depends on the shape and size of the furniture. Rund edges promote a sense of relaxation. Sharp edges create tension and discomfort.

Small furniture can also create imbalances in the space. You can create a balanced classroom design for kindergarten that follows the feng shui principles.

As per Feng Shui, the classroom furniture must be appropriately sized as per the room size; it ultimately promotes balance and pleasant feelings.

Placement and Arrangement

How you place furniture also impacts the flow of energy. As per Feng Shui, the furniture should be arranged to promote energy flow for easy movement and collaboration.

Desks and tables should be arranged and placed so that they may not block the communication between teachers and students.

It should always be placed with spaces to allow easy movement and avoid creating obstacles in the natural flow of action in the distance.


As per Feng Shui principles, it is crucial to choose lighting that promotes the positive flow of energy.

Natural light is ideal as it creates a sense of well-being and relaxation. Soft light brings in warmth, while bright lights create energy and creative functioning in the students.

Plants and Natural Elements

Feng Shui places importance on incorporating natural elements into any space, whether a classroom; or plants bring nature and reduce stress.

We can also add other water features, rocks, or crystals to promote balance in the space and include natural elements.


By correctly incorporating Feng Shui principles into classroom design furniture, we can promote harmony and balance in space and increase student engagement and success.

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